Thursday, July 06, 2006

My first post!!!!!

Yay! My first blog and my first post in my first blog. wow. *dwells in own thoughts for several moments* I owe this all to Bobeth because if it wasn't for her then I wouldn't be writing this on my own blog. *dwells in own thoughs for several moments... again*
Anyways, today hasn't been that interesting really school was averagly normal (apart from Bob and Evil not talking to each other). Drama was probably the most fun thing I did today and I spent most of it off stage waiting for my cue to come on - it sucks playing the lead role sometimes. When I go off again I have to put on a thick and humungous fur coat (it's summer for God's sake) and a beard which does not fit me, how embarrasing! I was only given the part two weeks ago but I already know all my lines and my cue lines, when no-one else has (and they've all had since Easter to learn them). Woooo! Go me! Sorry, got a bit too excited there.
Oh well there's not much more to say now so I'll just diappear for now and I'll try and write soon except I have a ton of coursework to do... that remonds me...
Jonesy :)

1 comment:

Bobbin said...

Congratumalations on your FIRST POST!